Together let's meet the challenges of education !

Discover the association

Why Lift Etudiants

The Covid19 health crisis has highlighted the inequalities already existing in higher education in France. It also revealed the importance of putting in place new mechanisms to improve the situation of students and report on inequalities. Therefore, to participate in this reform, we have decided to set up Lift Etudiants to support, LIFT this youth UP and give them hope.

What we do ?

Assist, carry out solidarity and charitable actions to vulnerable students, those in need or with insufficient resources. Collect and relay information on employment opportunities, financial and social assistance, housing, etc. Finally, refer students to the competent structure according to their situation.

Who are we ?

Lift Etudiants is a non-profit association under the 1901 law that works in the education and professional integration sector. She works with students and young graduates. our values are fulfilment, respect, equality, work, and solidarity.

How it works ?

We set up actions after a collective reflection on what we want to achieve and how we want to do it, given the current situation of the association. Depending on the budget allocated to the project, several students (members) can benefit from the project in the form of a call for applications. For each project, a file study is carried out before receiving the aid.

Your opinion matters to us

In order to improve the information on our site, we invite you to share your comments or suggestions below.

3 + 13 =


Education expenditure for higher education in France

Total state aid for social action for students

Number of students receiving at least one aid

Useful data

The professional integration of 2018 university graduates

Insertion rate: Master (89%), Bachelor ‘92%)
Median monthly net salary: Master (1950€) Bachelor ‘1630)

Covid-19 Period

73% of young people say they have been affected psychologically, emotionally, or physically and 23% of them say they have had suicidal thoughts during the lockdown.

Your opinion matters to us

In order to improve the information on our site, we invite you to share your comments or suggestions below.

3 + 14 =


Education expenditure for higher education in France

Total state aid for social action for students

Number of students receiving at least one aid

Useful data

The professional integration of 2018 university graduates

Insertion rate: Master (89%), Bachelor ‘92%)
Median monthly net salary: Master (1950€) Bachelor ‘1630)

Covid-19 Period

73% of young people say they have been affected psychologically, emotionally, or physically and 23% of them say they have had suicidal thoughts during the lockdown.


Stay informed with the Chronicles of the Lift. If you have any questions or need more information about our articles, do not hesitate to write to us through the contact section.

Succeed in your first year

First year at university? Some tips for you…

High school graduates entering higher education are experiencing the beginning of a new chapter that may require adaptation time. Between working methods, rhythm, autonomy, stress… several students failed in the first year and found themselves in disarray. We even talk of school dropout for some of them.

Youth and student social assistance

Discover the different aids for students.

This article helps you determine which social benefits you are entitled to. They are paid by CAF, Pôle Emploi or other organizations. Some of them are reserved for “young people and students”. The maximum age to benefit from these aids is 28 years, except…

Mental Health and Anxiety in Students

Depression and anxiety in the school environment

Depression is a common mental illness that, through its emotional disturbances, severely disrupts daily life. Its occurrence involves many psychological, biological, and environmental factors. Be careful, a mental illness does not necessarily mean that you are going crazy!!!

Graduated, what next ?

Professional integration of graduates

Many young people are currently experiencing difficulties in integrating into the world of work, this article provides the necessary advice to prepare them perfectly. At the graduate stage, everyone prepares in their own way!



Discover student causes that may be of interest to you. Support myopinions !

The situation of students in France

Demand concrete measures for students

Stop the exploitation of nursing students

Your donations change lives !

Because your donations are essential to the exercise of our missions.

"We love a charity that satisfies self-esteem"

Honoré de Balzac

The association

We are a non-profit association created under the law of 1901 and which works in the sector of education and professional integration.



43, rue Frédéric Faÿs Villeurbanne - 69100, France