Depression and anxiety in the school environment
Mental Health and Anxiety in Students
Depression is a common mental illness that, through its emotional disturbances, severely disrupts daily life. Its occurrence involves many psychological, biological, and environmental factors. Be careful, a mental illness does not necessarily mean that you are going crazy!!! Yes, there are many who associate mental illness with madness. This is not the case with depression.
Nor does it designate a simple stroke of depression or temporary sadness but a real mental illness. It is characterized by emotional disorders (sadness, loss of joy). Depressed mood leads to a pessimistic view of the world and oneself. Maintained for more than two weeks with a significant impact on daily life (lack of sleep, appetite and libido disorders, intellectual loss, isolation or conversely wandering etc.)
In 2010, a survey of student living conditions conducted by the Observatory of Student Life, 73% of students believe they are in good health, many are those who report experiencing symptoms of malaise. Three quarters of them say they are tired and one in two nervous. 35% of students say they are depressed and one in four suffers from isolation.
“The workload, which varies according to the sector, influences the states of stress or fatigue. Students in the preparatory Classes to prestigious schools (CPGE) experience, more often than others, this feeling of unease which is reflected by sleep problems or fatigue, nervousness or isolation. Managing this duplication of time is also a source of tension for one in two students engages in paid work during the academic year.
With the health crisis linked to the Covid 19 epidemic, the mental health of students has further deteriorated. According to a survey by the National Centre for Resources and Resilience, based in Lille (59). “From the first wave of the pandemic, ‘43% of the students followed had severe symptoms of mental health disorders’. Distress, stress, suicidal ideation, anxiety, depression… Signs particularly marked among women, non-binary students, people who are isolated or experiencing economic
In Lyon, we remember the 22-year-old man who tried to set himself on fire in November 2019 in front of a Crous building denouncing student precariousness. The student, who was severely burned in the third degree, spent five months in a coma. But who fortunately was able to get by? Therefore, it is important that mental health be monitored regularly in primary health care, as it is a risk factor for other conditions in addition to its direct effect on well-being.
Causes external to studies
According to Ameli, here is a list of situations that can lead to depression. Life events, sometimes dating back to childhood, can also promote the onset of depression. A disturbed relationship with parents, sexual trauma, difficult experiences; death of a close relative, harassment, etc. Grief is a psychological reaction to the loss of a loved one. This painful, but “normal” reaction can however be complicated by a real depressive episode characterized; loss of employment; separation; family or professional conflict… The presence of a chronic illness, disability, dependence on alcohol, tobacco or addiction to other substances used to soothe anxieties are factors that promote the occurrence of depression.
Preventing and fighting depression
In France, there are several psychological support systems for students. You will find doctors, psychologists, associations, social workers, a whole directory with addresses and telephone number. These devices are completely free, confidential, and accessible. They are listening to you, are especially not there to judge you but to listen to you. Here are some emergency numbers you can reach:
Harassment: No to harassment – Ministry of National Education
For all young people and parents
Tel: 3020 Monday to Friday from 9am to 8pm and Saturday from 9am to 6pm
Free and anonymous
The BAPU: (University Psychological Support Offices) are consultation centers open to all students who
wish to receive psychological help. The phone number depends on the city you are in.
For more information you can consult the links below or also connect on our Instagram page:
Student Psychological Support Services (
Need psychological help? | Student.gouv (
Youth mental health: all the useful contacts – Ville de Paris

The association
We are a non-profit association created under the law of 1901 and which works in the sector of education and professional integration.
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