Discover the different aids for students

Social assistance for young people and students

This article helps you determine which social benefits you are entitled to. They are paid by CAF, Pôle Emploi or other organizations. Some of them are reserved for “young people and students”. The maximum age to benefit from these aids is 28 years, except in exceptional cases or except for specific aids such as: aid for the preparation of the civil service competition, emergency aid and mobility aid in master’s degree.

It is therefore good to know what help is available to help you support yourself, finance your studies and make ends meet. That is why, we have decided, to list in this article, the different types of aid to which you can claim. It should be noted that some aid can be combined with others while others cannot. Details about each help are given on our Instagram page:
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The scholarship based on social criteria

Crous scholarships are awarded to students to help finance their higher education. It is subject to conditions. It is divided into several levels (from 0 Bis to 7) according to your income. The lower the income, the higher the step and the higher the amount of the scholarship, and vice versa. To benefit from it, you must submit your DSE (Student Social Profile) For more information, go to the website:

Housing assistance

You can apply for: Personalized Housing Assistance (APL) if you are single or married, with or without dependents, and tenant of a dwelling under agreement. The Social Housing Allowance (ALS) awarded under conditions like the APL. The Family Housing Allowance (ALF) if you are single or in a couple with 1 dependent and tenant of a non-agreed dwelling.

Regional aid

This is aid specific to a particular region:
• Hauts-de-France: Mermoz scholarship
• Brittany: International Youth Scholarship
• Normandy: World Pass
• Île-de-France: Mobilité Île-de-France students
• Grand Est: support for international student mobility
• Burgundy – Franche-Comté: Aquisis scholarship, Dynastage scholarship
• Pays de la Loire : Envoleo allowance

This is a non-exhaustive list. For more information, visit our page

Merit assistance

Merit assistance is intended for scholarship students who have obtained a very good mention in their bachelor’s degree. Depending on their situation, they can apply for aid estimated at between €900 and €1,800.

The Public Service Diversity Allowance

It concerns students preparing for a civil service competition. No age limit is required to benefit from it. Its amount amounts to € 2,000.

The student loan guaranteed by the State

There are no fixed conditions or conditions of means to take out this loan. There is also no need for parental or third-party guarantees. On the other hand, you must be enrolled in a French higher education institution; Be under 28 years of age on the date of signature of the loan; of French nationality or possess the nationality of one of the Member States of the EU or of the E. E.E., if you have resided regularly and continuously in France, for at least 5 years at the time of signing the loan.

There are still other specific aids such as: the Erasmus scholarship, private scholarships, etc. It is possible to get closer to the local mission for those under 26 years of age or to inquire with a social worker.
For more information on the aids, visit our page:

You can also check out the links below.

The association

We are a non-profit association created under the law of 1901 and which works in the sector of education and professional integration.



43, rue Frédéric Faÿs Villeurbanne - 69100, France